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WhizCut Upgrades Distribution to WhizCut America

Helsingborg May 26th 2015

WhizCut of Sweden AB is a producer of high performance tooling developed for Swiss type lathes. WhizCut has been present in the American market since 1999 through WhizCut of Sweden/USA Inc. During the years WhizCut has grown steadily and is now preparing for an intense growth the next few years.

Starting June 1st WhizCut will move its operations from WhizCut USA in Little Rock, Arkansas to WhizCut America in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
With this change WhizCut is able to support customers in a more efficient way and delivery for the majority of customers will be faster. All functions of the company will be served from WhizCut America Inc.

Chris Schmidt, President of WhizCut of Sweden AB: This change will strengthen our market presence and secure the support needed by our customers. Our products are premier products where offering technical ability and local support without delay to the customer is key.

John Leiviska, President of WhizCut America Inc.: WhizCut has a great product offering and is in many ways changing the way users of Swiss machines produce parts. One of our main objectives is to make these products available for all Swiss users in USA and surrounding countries, through enhancing our distribution channels and sales representation.
WhizCut America will be keeping a full stock of products in Port Washington and will be getting deliveries weekly from Sweden.

Chris Schmidt summarizes
For the American market we have through the years understood that one detail is more important than anything else and that is that there has to be a local stock. Our customers requirehave fast change overs for new projects coming in every day which means that the serviceability from us tooling manufacturers is more important today than ever before.

WhizCut America will have the following contact details

WhizCut America
101 East Pier Street PO Box 345
Port Washington
WI 53074-0345

Phone 262-284-3830
Fax 262-247-0622
Email sales.america@whizcut.com
Web: https://www.whizcut.com/contact/usa.html


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